Continuing it’s year-long charitable campaign of Helping Heroes Heal and in collaboration with Charity Storage, AZSA’s 20th Annual Conference & Trade Show was a ringing success. The campaign was inspired by the Keynote Speaker of this year’s conference, severely wounded Marine turned Veterans advocate, Sherman Gillums Jr. Charity Storage was the beneficiary of the Annual Golf Tournament’s 50-50 Raffle & Super Ticket Sales, garnering $2,843. We will, in turn, donate $1,500 to American Veterans.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Anne Mari DeCoster (AZSA Executive Director), Poppy Behrens (AZSA Conference Chair/Director & Publisher, MiniCo) and Dave King (AZSA President & Managing Director at Self Storage at Wentworth Property). We could not have been there without your incredible support!
Pictured are Nina Bouphasavanh (I Heart Storytelling LLC) co-creator of the new Charity Storage Video, Kerry Henriksen (Executive Director), Sherman Gillums Jr. (Keynote Speaker, Chief Strategy Officer at AmVets), Mariela Pattinson (Director of Marketing & Development) and Anne Mari DeCoster (Executive Director, Arizona Self Storage Association).
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